Saturday, March 24, 2007

Good and Evil - II

Evil is a tempting harlot that offers immediate relief but constant pain
Good is a innocent child beckoning to love and be loved that offers enduring happiness
To follow evil is to invite misery to be your companion
To follow good is to invite blessedness into your life
But who is to say what is good and what is evil!?
Evil is but a child stripped of its innocence and bound in a mantle of flesh
Man is the crucible in which God brews the potion of good and evil
As long as man thinks himself good or evil he will remain in the crucible
Evil and good are two sides of the same coin
Struggling with their nature is only to stoke the fire beneath the crucible
For they can not be defeated but only transcended
In understanding the nature of good and evil lies the keys to heaven...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Life is all one yet I find myself alone.
Alone in my fears and my pain that keep me separated from all life and thus all love.
My loneliness seems compounded by my inability to express what I feel. I doubt anyone could ever understand or know me unless they knew how I felt. For this reason alone I stand on my own. No one except God knows me. Thus I tarry along on a lonely path of my own making with God as my only hope and salvation. However I find joy in knowing that my destination will surely be reached as surely as his love never fails.

Today was a particularly hard day for me and the only thing that made me feel happy was
receiving a mail from my dear friend Diana who asked me to start blogging again and made me feel part of this beautiful circle of life once more. To her I dedicate this post.